An instructor in my program recently recommended It’s Alive, The Coming Convergence of Information, Biology and Business, and said she may use excerpts in her upcoming class. Being the intrepid student I am, I went ahead and ordered it.
I got three paragraphs into the introduction and was jarred by this:
How can we hope to predict what will happen in the decade to come if it’s going to be twice as different?
We can’t, in detail, any more than when a hurricane is declared in the Guld of Mexico we can predict precisely what’s going to happen in Massachusetts a week later. But we can track the storm, and we can say in general terms where it’s going, even if we can’t describe the gusts and eddies that may prove horrific in Hilton Head or beneficial in Baton Rouge.
The fact that a horrific hurricane threat can be used as a workable analogy in a futurist book? Yes, it’s time to crawl out from under the rock.