Red hot stovetop. Ah'right, touch the stove. Then maybe you'll learn. Tough lessons, kids. Through the magic of “executive order,” which, apparently replaces laws in this country, the current administration is getting rid of useful things like weather reporting — NOAA and NWS. Because why do Americans need to know about tornados? The coming tariffs will devalue all their crap anyway, so wipe it out in a future storm, turn the “consumers” into climate refuge bums and throw them into debtor prison where corporations can really put them to use. Also, chucking social security and medicaid/medicare means that the demented elderly and disabled youth can just shuffle straight into a life on the streets. Because, that’s great, right? Can you smell the sarcasm rolling off the screen? Does it smell like burning flesh?

Touch. The. Stove.

I was sad, but not surprised, to hear directly from my elected representative this week in a phone “town hall.” My representative, who is much younger than me, suggested call trees to whip people into action and create community. Sigh. I said the words, “You’re not a wartime consigliere, Tom.” She’s probably too young to know what that means. A more useful suggestion I saw on bluesky was to hold town halls in republican strongholds where they’re actively avoiding their constituents (see above.) I’d come packing heat, though. Things are getting ugly out there.

Also, today is the grassroots #EconomicBoycott where people are asked to not spend a single dime if they can help it. I’m on the four-year plan with this, so that only counts as baby activism for me. But it’s easily done and creates a sense of community. To that end, I’m in the mindset of share-and-share alike, so if anyone wants to barter something for my homemade pickles or jam, I’m down for that. Keep it local, though, because it doesn’t ship.  And we don’t know how much longer we’ll have a functioning postal service.


Keep your head up.