The Tori Amos concert last night caused a controversy because the Park charged for it when, according to the article, they initially said all lawn seats for concerts in the Park would be free. Hmmm. I’m more upset that they confiscated all beverages — even bottled water — because they claimed they couldn’t make money on the concert otherwise. THAT made me mad. They could’ve charged more for the tickets and left my Dt. Coke alone.

All would have been forgiven, of course, if Tori had played Cornflake Girl at some point. *sigh* Instead she spent the evening butchering covers of Bette Midler tunes and her own hits.

I don’t mean to sound down on the concert — I really did have fun. The company was fabulous, the food excellent, the weather perfect and we got to see fireworks in the middle of Tori’s concert. I hope the Park District throws more concerts like this — I encourage it. As Tori says, The Happy Phantom has no right to bitch.