Roving Bank Reporter: “So, Tammy, do you have any scary Halloween stories we could put on the Intranet?”

Me: “Well…yes, as a matter of fact.”

R.B.R.: “Great!”

Me: “It was last Halloween…we were here late, working like madmen to meet our deadline…we finished a few minutes before midnight and flipped the switch! The Content Management System was alive! ALIVE!!!! Muwahahaha!!!!”

R.B.R.: “Ummmm…that’s not scary.”

Me: “Did you see the budget for that project? Puh-lease. It was one of the scariest things I’ve done in my career. And the evil joy in inflicting it on my content providers? Ah, very, very scary.”

R.B.R.: “Ummmm, yeah, CMS is scary. Uh, huh. Thanks!”

Me: “Okay, so I can expect to see this online for Halloween?”

R.B.R. (slowly backing away): “Ummmm, yeah, sure…CMS is scary stuff…”

Me: “Great!”