As you may recall, I’ve given up recreational web surfing for my Strategic Change I class. I’ve gone one whole week without the digital crutch. How’s it been? Well…

    • The department assistant of my degree program wants to recruit me to help with their site. I don’t suppose, technically, that would qualify as recreational web surfing. However, the prospect of redoing a site makes me feel like a junkie getting a fix.
    • Had a visitor this weekend and I did pretty well staying off-line while she was here, though I did hop on to look up a movie time and to get the phone number of a restaurant.
    • My friend’s have started to complain that not reading their blogs is anti-social. Sorry guys! It’s only for a little while.
    • In addition to my class reading, I have read two books this week. I don’t normally read unless I’m on vacation, so this is a good thing.
    • I’m guilty of using Northwestern’s site as surrogate surfing. I do need to learn and use the NW site; however, I could’ve skipped the bit about Zeta Zeta Zeta.
  • I’m busy, but I can really feel the absence of web in my life. How many days to June 1?

In other news…

    • One of my co-workers unthinkingly gave me a good clout on the shoulder yesterday. My bad shoulder. I started crying during the meeting, but I think it was mostly from shock. Still, I’m very sore today.
    • As a result of that incident, I now have a new piggy bank, stuffed frog and two packets of aspirin.
    • I have the worst case of ear worm after seeing Phantom of the Opera last Friday. It’s not one song but the whole score that’s haunting me! Hard as lightning, soft as candlelight, indeed!