Me: “Oooo! There’s a dead squirrel! One more and I’ve got bingo!”
She: “What?”
Me: “I was tired of the same old car bingo, so I decided to create my own.”
She: “So you play the taxidermist version?”
Me: “No, no…the Road Kill version.”
She: “Pigeons, deer, squirrels…what else?”
Me: “Raccoons, pets and tires.”
She: “Tires?”
Me: “Busted tires are technically road kill.”
She: “Oh, I see. Then what about pieces of critters? Like a tail or something?”
Me: “If it’s identifiable, dead and on the road, then it’s fair game. I do not want to get into a discussion of what something was. Ewwww.”
She: “Once again I’ve gone too far.”
Me: “It’s okay. I started it.”