Me: “I finished my performance reviews! Whoo-hoo! How’re you doing?”

He: “I asked for an extension. God, I hate doing these things.”

Me: “Me, too. It ranks up there with dental work and taxes.”

He: “But do you find you’ve been highly productive in other areas? I’ve gotten a lot of other things done.”

Me: “Ohmygod! I finished all my documentation, balanced my checkbook and rearranged my sock drawer. I got so many hateful little chores done! Anything to keep from doing performance reviews, anything!”

He: “But you finished…”

Me: “Well, I didn’t want to ruin my weekend worrying about it.”

He: “…yeah, you’ve got a point. Have a good weekend.”

Me: “You, too. Try not to wait until Sunday night to start.”