She B: “Yeah, my friend’s former babysitter was in the play. She had a redundant role on Doogie Howser.”

Me: “What’s that like, a redundant role?”

She: “She could only say one line over and over!”

Me: “For the entire series? Cool…”

She (straight): “Roll-up your sleeve.”

Me: “But she could say it several different ways!”

She (robotic): “Roll. up. your. sleeve.”

Me (rootin’ tootin’ cowgirl): “Roll-up yer sleeve!”

She (with emphasis): “Roll-up YOUR sleeve!”

Me (weepy): “Roll-up (sob, sob) your sleeve…(sob, sob)”

She B: “No, no, no! It was a reoccuring role!”

Me: “Oh, well…that’s not nearly as interesting.”

She: “Yeah, bummer.”