Spam Be Gone

Spammers have cracked Blogger's comment filter. I've been swarmed with comments such as this all day: “We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.” - Herman Melville

Not to be girly, but…

Why did the lead-in to a story about a solar purse have to be..."and now something for the ladies..." As a lady, I was more interested the previous story about Google's claim that its search index is three times larger than its closest competitor. That was interesting! Purses that light

I don’t bowl.

The Chicago Tribune is reporting on hurricane names today and mine came up:Each hurricane list has 21 names because the letters Q, U, X, Y and Z are omitted (tough to come up with X names). Six lists are used in rotation, so names reappear every seventh year.The rest of

I Traded the Caddy for a Microphone…

and now I'm confused. Anyone out there have a sweet set-up to do podcasting? I have a Logitech USB microphone that appears to work. I'm using a Macintosh with OS 10.2.x -- and I don't want to upgrade to Tiger or spend any money on the software. I've tried to

Wardrobe Coordination

"I have the cool jacket*, so now I'm ready to hit the town!" "Agreed." "But if you go with me, you have to look cool too...but not too cool." "What?" "You can't overshadow the jacket." "That's like Batman telling Robin he can wear the tights but not drive the Batmobile."

Troubling Intro

An instructor in my program recently recommended It's Alive, The Coming Convergence of Information, Biology and Business, and said she may use excerpts in her upcoming class. Being the intrepid student I am, I went ahead and ordered it. I got three paragraphs into the introduction and was jarred by