The Search

This week I finished John Battelle's The Search, and it was everything I expected. He includes a nice background of the search industry, the particulars of Google's rise to the top, and thought provoking speculation about how search will continue to change our lives. You know what I felt after

Metrics for Blog Success?

How do you know if an organization's blog has been successful? Or, to put it a better way, how do organizations set measures for success before they start blogging? The number of posts, amount of comments and site traffic are all measurable things, but I don't feel they get at

Bloglines Keeps Improving

Bloglines now tells me how many unread and read messages I have for each feed and for each category that I've set. It will also tell me, in the browser title, the same ratio for all my subscriptions. If I don't have read messages saved, it will spare me the

Weird Sesame Street Moment

"So, I don't remember everyone's name..." "My name is Thy." (pronounced tee) "I'm Amy." "Tammy." "..." "Okay. Did you guys plan that?" "Nope." "No." "Nuh-uh."


Definition: Person who pretends to listen to their iPod while actually listening to the conversations around him/her.

Hurricane Tammy not likely this year

Tropical Storm Tammy formed just off Florida’s east coast Wednesday and was expected to bring heavy rain...Tammy, with winds of 40 mph...Tammy will spend so little time over water...Tammy will make landfall...It's strange to read your name over and over and know that it's not a person. At least there