“I finished reading Vogue today.”
“Uh-oh. What did you buy?”
“Three pairs of fishnets. I’ve never worn fishnets.”
“That’s the problem with reading those magazines. I have a copy of Allure waiting at home. I fear I’ll be next.”
“Yes, prepare to loosen your pocketbook.”
I chuckled to myself and then froze in fear, remembering that K left her InStyle magazine at my house. Oh my plastic! My poor, poor plastic… I’m always happier and richer not knowing what lays between the covers.
Fishnets? I shuddered and continued my way home.
Swear to God I didn’t leave InStyle behind on purpose (tee-hee)! I can hear the plastic creaking now cuz there are some tasty clothes in there for fall.
Good thing I didn’t bring Lucky, too. A magazine about shopping? No way to resist.
Why do fish nets make you shudder, is it a fly fishing thing?
Ummmm, no. Not a fly fishing thing. I’m not sure where you go that.
I checked you list fly fishing as an interest. Don’t know much about it but isn’t that fishing with line and hook/bait instead of with nets? Anyway came here because you listed chess as an interest what would you say to PK4
Don’t play over the Internet, sorry. And as for fly fishing…we don’t ever use bait.