Why did the lead-in to a story about a solar purse have to be…”and now something for the ladies…” As a lady, I was more interested the previous story about Google’s claim that its search index is three times larger than its closest competitor. That was interesting! Purses that light up so you can find your keys? feh.
I’d stop watching TV news altogether except I couldn’t find the remote at the gym. Stupid, stupid news media.
Solar purse?
That’s not something I’d find too interesting. Besides, wouldn’t you think by the time you drug your butt home late enough to actually NEED the light, that the solar power would’ve run out?
And, as to google…i dunno, Yahoo! is pretty big….
Solar purse?
That’s not something I’d find too interesting. Besides, wouldn’t you think by the time you drug your butt home late enough to actually NEED the light, that the solar power would’ve run out?
And, as to google…i dunno, Yahoo! is pretty big….
And, oddly enough, when I saw that bag in Target, I though it was cool, while Sarah didn’t care at all.
And, oddly enough, when I saw that bag in Target, I though it was cool, while Sarah didn’t care at all.