Me: “Excuse me, but did you just call that driver a monkey clucker?”
She: “Yeah, it’s my thing now.”
Me: “I like it, I like it.”
She: “Everyone knows monkeys and chickens are evil. Plus, it’s not as harsh as calling someone a mother fucker for cutting you off. ”
Me: “I don’t know about that. The way you say it…it’s obviously an insult, and it’s baffling. I say it’s twice as effective as mother fucker. Plus, think of the body language you could use! Whole worlds have opened up!”
She: “Instead of flipping the bird…”
Me: “…you’d scratch under the arms to insult someone.”
She: “Or, or you’d fling dung at them!”
Me: “Ahhhh…excuse me for saying this, but I can’t wait for someone to get on your bad side.”
She: “Drivers beware! I’m not afraid to fling dung!”