How many years has West Wing been on the air? Five? Why didn’t anyone ever tell me about this series!!! You people know I live under a rock — it took me, what, four years to get around to Buffy? Two years to catch on to Alias? Sheesh.
I had no inkling this amazing series existed until I caught a part of the West Wing marathon over Memorial Day weekend. After a little Amazon shopping, I’m now half way through the first season and will devour the second season as soon as it gets here.
DVD’s are the best way to watch television, in my opinion. I can get my fix, watch a season end to end without commercials and not have to worry about t.v. according to someone’s time table. Bliss.
So if I look blank when you start quoting characters or discussing plotlines, please clue me in. I have no idea what’s happening out there in the ether. Thanks!