RSS feeds are wonderful — I don’t know how I managed to digest this much information before they existed. And RSS feeds are horrible — why am I reading a 149 sites a day? Good golly, miss molly. I can’t get away from the sites. I feel the need to check Bloglines at least 10 times a day, and it’s killing me. I think I was happier not knowing when the news was breaking, new movies were being released, or when boing boing finds more stupid crap to spread around the web.
And then there’s the “keep new” feature. I started using it because there are a fair number of posts that I can’t read at work. However, when I get home I find that I can’t muster either the concentration to read them or the will to go back and find out why those saved entries were important.
I’m a feed-o-holic. If there’s an intervention plan, please let me know where I can sign up. Thanks.