He: “My boss wanted me to let your folks know when I’d be out in case something happens.”
Me: “That’s fine except you left one of them off the distribution list.”
He: “I find it’s best to keep at least one employee in the dark at all times.”
Me: “Because faulty information enhances productivity?”
He: “No, because it gives the employee a sense of accomplishment when they figure things out.”
Me: “Ahhhhh…I never realized the vital role obfuscation played in employee development.”
He: “Most business books leave it out. Props, by the way, for the use of obfuscation in a sentence.”
Me: “Thanks. I’m in grad school now, I have to raise the bar.”
Despite my attempts at eloquence, I can honestly say I’ve never used “obfuscation” in a spoken sentence before. In fact, I’m not even entirely sure how to pronounce it.
So hey, kudos for finding an actual use for that damned word. ;)
Despite my attempts at eloquence, I can honestly say I’ve never used “obfuscation” in a spoken sentence before. In fact, I’m not even entirely sure how to pronounce it.
So hey, kudos for finding an actual use for that damned word. ;)
You have to OWN that word, let it roll off your tongue like you’ve ALWAYS known it.
Don’t let obfuscation push you around. Go forth and obfuscate.