The Chicago Tribune is reporting on hurricane names today and mine came up:

Each hurricane list has 21 names because the letters Q, U, X, Y and Z are omitted (tough to come up with X names). Six lists are used in rotation, so names reappear every seventh year.

The rest of this year’s roster–Stan, Tammy, Vince and Wilma–may sound more like a bowling team than a quartet of storms. But at first, Katrina wasn’t a scary name either.

Not to speak for all the other Tammy’s out there, but I’ve never known my name to be associated with bowling. That’s kinda insulting. And what about those poor girls named Katrina? They’ll be living down hurricane comments/jokes/tragedies for the rest of their lives. I think this whole storm/name thing needs to stop.

Someone, somewhere on the web suggested naming hurricanes after vegetables we don’t like. Think about it…hurricane brussel sprout or category 4 broccoli? It could work…