To listen or not to listen to albums prior to a concert, that’s the question.
B contends that listening prior to a concert will ruin your experience because the concert will be nothing like the albums and the mismatched expectations will kill.
I think it’s better to sing the right lyrics to Cornflake Girl rather than try to fake it in a ravening crowd of Tori Amos fans. No way that listening to albums prior to a concert would possibly ruin the experience. I’m going because I like the music I’ve heard!
So does it matter?
I always listened to my albums before a concert to get me in the mood/hyped up/excited and ready for the show. I don’t think it will ruin your enjoyment of the show at all.
I’ll second the motion for pre-listening!
How cool is it when you can tell the guys in Big Bad Voodoo Daddy to their face, “I’ve been listening to your songs all day on my iPod.”
Big Voodoo Daddy? I can’t even imagine that kind of coolness. :)
Pre-listen is the way to go. Why would you bother going to a concert, if you didn’t know the music? And if you are going to a concert to hear the same thing you can get from the CD, why bother spending the extra bucks.
Well, Tori certainly delivered “something different”. Not sure I liked it, though.
Well, Tori certainly delivered “something different”. Not sure I liked it, though.