I arrived in safety this morning and ahead of schedule, and I’ve been using that extra time to my advantage. It’s been a crazy NYC day — which is to say really, really good.

If you ever get the chance to make it to Grand Central Station, go downstairs to the Oyster Bar and find the Guastavin Arches, also known as the Whispering Arches. It took me a while since they’re not marked, but eventually I saw a couple of people with their noses in opposite corners. I figured it was the place. They are so cool. You stand in one corner and whisper to folks on the other side of the room. They can hear you because the sound telegraphs along the ceiling.

There are those who would make snide remarks that cell phones could do the same thing, but they would be wrong. The reception is bad, bad, bad — there hasn’t been a cellphone engineered half as well as these arches are. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I met a nice couple from Kansas who were sweet enough to let me yack at them.

I also made it to the Empire State Building, the New York Public Library, Macy’s (Where I had lunch in the Macy’s Cellar. Some how I always end up there.), Times Square, and SoHo (shopping!). I’m a little footsore, but still up to see Chicago tonight.

I’m still not sure what I’ll do tomorrow, but guaranteed I will sleep in a bit.