Boss: “I want you to build the best site in the system.”

Me: “Great! I’ve been wanting to change the way we do things. I can’t wait to get started!”

Boss: “Whoa! People are going to have a hard time with change. They won’t go for it.”

Me: “Oh, we’ll present best practices, do baseline usability testing and careful analysis of the current site. We’ll present the changes as benefits to the site’s visitors, and ultimately, to them. They’ve been clamoring for change, after all. I don’t see why they’d have a problem with it.”

Boss: “No, no. None of that will matter to them. Better go see what other system sites have done.”

Me: “But, I thought we wanted to be the best site in the system? None of the other sites have done any work based on best practices, usability issues or audience need analysis. I don’t understand how we’re supposed to innovate by copying the mistakes of others.”

Boss: “Look, you have to decide what battles you want to fight. I don’t think people are ready for innovation.”

Me: “How about we change the colors?”

Boss: “I’ll take it to management committee.”

Me: “Great. I can’t wait to get started.”