“Huh. So, I wonder why Hilary’s blog requires a user name and password in this movie. That’s not really blog-like.”
“After every other improbable thing in this film, that’s what you’re worried about? Typical of you.”
“Well, I gave up hope about the plot pretty early. I wanted the blog piece to ring true at least. Too bad. They could’ve used a blog consultant. Hey…I could be a blog consultant for films!”
“I suppose you could. But what if her blog was private? Wouldn’t it need a password?”
“Then her posts wouldn’t have that ‘dear Internet…’ vibe. The entries would’ve been addressed to a more specific audience.”
“Hmmm, I see…well, it’s too late for this film anyway. Why don’t you come to the open casting call of The Break-up…you might have a shot at a consultant gig there.”
“They’re looking for extras, not bloggers.”
“You never know. Maybe Jennifer Aniston’s character blogs…or would, if you were there to help.”
“Ah, yes! I can see it now: Ms. Aniston could speak her lines here, but what this scene really needs is a good blog entry!”
“There you go! Hollywood needs someone to make Internet life ring true.”
“It’s obvious!”