Me: “You know what I realize after watching this film?”

She: “What?”

Me: “I’d like to be in a cavalry charge.”

She: “Ahhh, I told you you’d like The Last Samurai .”

Me: “Actually this idea started with Return of the King. That was a great charge!”

She: “Yes it was, but I have no desire to go into battle.”

Me: “No, I don’t either. I just love the idea of thundering across a plain with a large mass of armed men on horseback. There’s something very powerful about it.”

She: “If you say so.”

Me: “However, when I play it out in my head, I’m the one with the pony that stumbles and I end up getting trampled by the hordes at my back.”

She: “I don’t think that’s what the samurai meant when he said to be mindful.”

Me: “Probably not. I’ll put some more thought into it.”