It’s spring and my fancy has turned to cleaning up the electronic detritis I’ve accumulated. I can’t find anything in my favorites, and I don’t visit half the stuff I have bookmarked. It seems the surest way to never get read is to be hidden in the guts of a browser. So…what to do?


  1. Pull everything out of favorites folders ’cause it’s a double-whammy. Those links are as good as 404 if you don’t!
  2. Delete sites that are easy to remember. Is a link to Google or Yahoo necessary? Didn’t think so. Delete ’em.
  3. Delete the links that no longer go anywhere! Duh!
  4. Delete links to old conferences and software standards. Chuck old industry articles, unless they’re still interesting and relevant.
  5. Subscribe to the RSS feeds of the sites that have them. Delete those from favorites.
  6. Blogroll the sites that don’t have RSS, but are updated. Delete!
  7. Put the rest into a blog entry so you’ll have them, and entertain your site visitors in the process. Delete, delete!

I’ve edited mine down to just the links I need to do my job, and I put those on my browser bar so I don’t ever have to go into favorites! Yaaaah!

As for number 7 on the previous list…I don’t know why I have these links, but I couldn’t bring myself to toss’em. Enjoy!

I’ll try to muster enough gumption to clean my links at home. Ah, Spring!!!