She: “Are you really watching the Olympics? I didn’t realize everyone was so patriotic.”

She2: “Yeah, we’re into it.”

Me: “But it’s not about patriotism, really. It’s just that it’s one of the few, if only, global ceremonies we have.”

She: “I guess so…”

She2: “We talked about this earlier. There’s really no other thing that everyone gets involved in.”

Me: “There’s the U.N., but there’s no pagentry with that. Military things, regional things, but this…this is a big, global parade. Everyone loves a parade.”

She: “Yeah, but it’s about sports! I hate sports.”

Me: “The Opening Ceremonies are not about sports. It’s about getting together and having a parade.”

She2: “Shhhhh…they’re lighting the torch…”

Me: “Wait a minute…that’s not a torch, that’s a giant doobie.”

She: “Well no wonder it’s a magical moment.”

Me: “After all the anti-doping talk, this certainly sends a conflicting message.”

She2: “But it makes for a hell of a parade.”