Me: “Excuse me, but can big kids get their picture taken with Santa, too?”

CTA Employee: “As long as you don’t get scared when it’s your turn.”

Me: “Okay!”

Me and the CTA's Santa

Me: “Hi Santa! Having a good day?”

Santa: “Every day is good when you’re Santa.”

Me: “I bet that’s right.”

I know the CTA needs to cut its budget, but I’m sooooooo glad they still run the holiday train! This is the first year I’ve managed to catch it, and it was quite an experience. Everyone broke into smiles when they boarded the train, the CTA employees were dressed like elves and handed out candy, the decorations were wonderful and music was piped into every car, and people along the route waved to Santa as we passed. Sure, you may save a few bucks by not running the train, but you’d never again generate that much good will.

Holiday train = cool.