
Yearly Archives: 2004

Safety. Your first concern.

This morning I endured a 14 minute safety video that came straight from 1981. Among the pearls of wisdom: Ergonomics. It's a new word in the workplace. Sweaty palms and electricity don't mix. They weren't called monitors back in the day. No, they were video display terminals. I want those 14 minutes back.

By |2004-06-29T15:03:00+00:00June 29th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Safety. Your first concern.

Too Sore to Move, Too Tired to Blog…

Much, that is. I'm too tired to blog much. Crazy lady that I am, I ran on Tuesday instead of waiting another month or so for my shoulder to finish healing. I'm dreading the recriminations from my physical therapist tomorrow. Sigh. I had to start running again. The stairmaster, while a worthy machine for vague

By |2004-06-17T03:24:00+00:00June 17th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Too Sore to Move, Too Tired to Blog…

Data Mining Blogger ProfilesOr, I have the musical tastes of a goth teen

I've been having a bit of fun, searching through Blogger profiles and comparing them to mine. There are at least a dozen other people who listen to Apoptygma Berzerk (If they're spelling it correctly, that is. A-p-o-p-t-y-g-m-a B-e-r-z-e-r-k. Pray you don't have to say it out loud!), and even a few more who listen to

By |2004-06-10T18:42:00+00:00June 10th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Data Mining Blogger ProfilesOr, I have the musical tastes of a goth teen

Reportable Incident

He: "...and so I told her that you were responsible and would take care of it." Me: "Thanks, I need you to be the wind beneath my wings." He: "It's part of my job description. Except..." Me: "Except what?" He: "I was looking at my career path and it seems the next step is the

By |2004-06-08T19:40:00+00:00June 8th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Reportable Incident

“Embrace the fact that you showed up…”

How many years has West Wing been on the air? Five? Why didn't anyone ever tell me about this series!!! You people know I live under a rock -- it took me, what, four years to get around to Buffy? Two years to catch on to Alias? Sheesh. I had no inkling this amazing series

By |2023-11-30T23:32:57+00:00June 7th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on “Embrace the fact that you showed up…”


She: "Was that a rain drop?" Me: "No. Of course not." She: "Then what was it?" Me: "A very moist bug." Splat Splat Splat She: "And all of those?" Me: "A swarm." She: "..." Me: "It's NOT raining!" She: "Okay, okay. I didn't think so."

By |2004-06-07T12:11:00+00:00June 7th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Splat

Ambassador Drool.

Me: "I'm glad we found Montana beer even if they didn't have Moose Drool." She: "Yeah. I can't believe the variety they had! Maybe they'll get it in now that they know about it." Me: "You know, I think I should be an ambassador for Big Sky Brewing Company. It felt good to spread the

By |2004-06-07T00:03:00+00:00June 7th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Ambassador Drool.


He: "Kohler doesn't make those big flushers any more -- you know, the 10 gallon models." He2: "I think they have to use the low volumn flushers to satisfy environmentalists. The most you can find are the 3 gallons." He3: "They make the power flushers now, so you can get more action with less water."

By |2004-06-04T19:29:00+00:00June 4th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Vintage


Physical Therapist: "Have a good weekend! Stay vertical, TG!" Me: "Awwwwww. What if I don't want to stay vertical? That's no fun!" My Physical Therapist: "I think you ruined her weekend." Physical Therapist: "Fine. Get horizontal if you'd like, but don't fall down and hurt your arm." Me: "I'll try my best. On both counts."

By |2004-05-29T00:30:00+00:00May 29th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Instructions

Overheard at a party

Me: "...and on Monday I'll be eradicating passive voice." He: "..." Me: "Obviously, the battle starts at home." He: "Obviously." ::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-:: She: "A girl looks good with bullion." She B: "Excuse me, did you say you looked good with a boy on?" Me: "I think you should try on both and see which you like

By |2023-11-30T23:37:09+00:00May 27th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Overheard at a party

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