
Yearly Archives: 2004


She: "Congratulations! I knew you'd get in!" Me: "Thanks! I did the SQUeeeeeeeee dance when I found out." She: "Wait. There's a SQUeeeeeeeee dance?" Me: "Oh sure." She: "Can you show me what it looks like." Me: "No, I'm afraid not. You see, it's a highly situational thing. I can't do it unless I'm having

By |2004-03-11T03:11:00+00:00March 11th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on SQUeeeeeeeee!

It’s official!

I've been accepted at Northwestern University. I will begin work on my Master's degree in Learning and Organizational Change at the end of the month! The stress of uncertainty has officially been replaced by the stress of going to school and working full time. This will be fun!

By |2023-12-01T00:40:35+00:00March 10th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on It’s official!

And what is she watching again?

She: "Everytime I watch it, I always ooooooooh and ahhhhhh over something. I even squeal with delight." She B: "Thus leading her neighbors to question whether it's live or memorex." Me: "I don't know about her neighbors, but mine would be happy for me either way." She: "You live in a very progressive building." Me:

By |2004-03-08T22:38:00+00:00March 8th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on And what is she watching again?

Housecleaning: Work Favorites Must Die!

It's spring and my fancy has turned to cleaning up the electronic detritis I've accumulated. I can't find anything in my favorites, and I don't visit half the stuff I have bookmarked. It seems the surest way to never get read is to be hidden in the guts of a browser. So...what to do? Method:Pull

By |2004-03-04T16:56:00+00:00March 4th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Housecleaning: Work Favorites Must Die!

The cheese does not wear me.

She: "So I'm going to this wine and cheese party on Saturday." Me: "That's rather unfortunate considering you're abstaining from alcohol." She: "Yes it is. I thought I'd take grape juice or whatever and drink what I wanted while they were having wine." Me: "Why stop there?" She: "What do you mean?" Me: "Why not

By |2004-03-03T20:06:00+00:00March 3rd, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on The cheese does not wear me.


She: "I drank last night. I know gave it up for Lent, but this was a work situation!" Me: "So Lent goes one day longer for you?" She: "Yeah, I suppose so." She B: "Well Ladies, I think I'll take up drinking for Lent." Me: "Oooooh, I like the idea of doing something rather than

By |2004-02-26T21:37:00+00:00February 26th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Unwholesome


He: "Do you remember that film Logan's Run? It was a lot like Blade Runner, I thought." Me: "How can you even draw comparisons between the two? Logan's Run was a shallow romp whereas Blade Runner was a dark vision of the future. And the women in Logan's Run? All one dimensional. They were at

By |2004-02-20T20:05:00+00:00February 20th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Characterizations…

When the Stakes Are High

He: "I'll bet you a donut that it won't get done." Me: "I'll see your donut and raise you a bundt cake." He: "See, that just illustrates the difference between a Grade 12 and Grade 14 employee..." Me: "What, the number of calories I'm willing to wager?" She: "This is moot, since I don't want

By |2023-12-01T00:45:28+00:00February 18th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on When the Stakes Are High


Me (picking up phone): "Hello?" She: "Hi, I have a problem. Someone brought me a piece of chocolate cake and I'm trying sooooo hard to be good. Do you want it?" Me: "No, but I give you permission to throw it in the trash." She: "What? I can't do that!" Me: "Yes you can. I

By |2004-02-11T22:59:00+00:00February 11th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Crisis


She B: "Yeah, my friend's former babysitter was in the play. She had a redundant role on Doogie Howser." Me: "What's that like, a redundant role?" She: "She could only say one line over and over!" Me: "For the entire series? Cool..." She (straight): "Roll-up your sleeve." Me: "But she could say it several different

By |2004-02-09T19:56:00+00:00February 9th, 2004|Legacy|Comments Off on Repetitive

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