
Monthly Archives: December 2003

At the End of the Prancing Pony

Me: "You know what I realize after watching this film?" She: "What?" Me: "I'd like to be in a cavalry charge." She: "Ahhh, I told you you'd like The Last Samurai ." Me: "Actually this idea started with Return of the King. That was a great charge!" She: "Yes it was, but I have no

By |2003-12-30T16:09:00+00:00December 30th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on At the End of the Prancing Pony

Sure Signs

He: "Excuse me, but you're in the wrong bathroom." Me: "No, I'm not." He: "Yes, you are." Me (pointing at the tampon machine): "No. I'm not." He: "...oh, oh! Excuse me..."

By |2003-12-28T04:00:00+00:00December 28th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Sure Signs


She: "What kind of lipgloss is that?" She B: "It's called Make Out. What are you wearing?" She: "Diva." She B: "Of course." Me: "Golly, I feel under-glossed wearing this huckleberry lip balm." She B: "But didn't huckleberry lip balm once save your life?" Me: "Yes, yes it did." She: "You could combine glosses. Add

By |2003-12-21T16:12:00+00:00December 21st, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Glossed

Third Wheel

She: "How much do I owe you for the ticket? Or is this a date?" He: "It could be a date. You don't owe me for the ticket." Me: "No, no, no! If it's a date, then I'm a third wheel. If she pays, then it's an outing." She: "Wench! You're gonna cost me fifteen

By |2003-12-21T16:11:00+00:00December 21st, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Third Wheel

Dashing Through the Snow

She: "Be careful! There are bumps around here and I don't want to tip over." Me: "If you do, make a snow angel. There's some nice, virgin snow on the right. Fall that way." She: "Great! That'll make it easier for the paramedics to find me." Me: "I'll tell them you're the body with the

By |2003-12-14T16:29:00+00:00December 14th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Dashing Through the Snow

A Senior VP Attempts Conversation

SVP: "So, ummmm, you, ummmm, have a classics background?" Me: "No, I have a degree in economics. Why?" SVP: "The, uhhhh, web page you showed was, uhhhhh, in Latin." Me: "Yes, I used Lorem Ipsum. It's commonly used as placeholder text in design." SVP: "Oh, oh. So you, ummm, don't read Latin." Me: "No, sorry."

By |2003-12-04T13:22:00+00:00December 4th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on A Senior VP Attempts Conversation


Me: "Oh, before I forget, the consultant is making us breakfast on Monday." She: "She's making it herself? Uh-oh." Me: "Making it...buying it and bringing it in...I'm not sure. Why?" She: "..." Me: "What? Spit it out." She: "Are you sure she's not going to poison us?" Me: "Why would she do that? She wouldn't

By |2003-12-02T21:21:00+00:00December 2nd, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Referrals?

Up There

She: "Everyone up there is incompetent!" (points to the ceiling) Me: "How far up are you pointing?" She: "To the 9th floor." Me: "Oh, I wasn't sure if you were pointing past the roof and including the Almighty in your ranting." She: "Well, now that you mention it..."

By |2003-12-02T21:15:00+00:00December 2nd, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Up There

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