
Monthly Archives: September 2003

Better living through chemicals. Or not?

Me: "Did you pick up enough free samples of deodorant?" He: "Yep. I've got enough to last a year." Me: "What about the Rogaine samples? Did you pick up enough of those?" He: "I don't believe in handling something that pregnant mothers can't use. That weirds me out." Me: "What? The possibility of what it

By |2003-09-26T01:17:00+00:00September 26th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Better living through chemicals. Or not?


Me: "I may kill someone before the week is out." She: "Are you selling tickets?" Me: "Nah, first come, first served." She: "I meant are you selling tickets to watch?" Me: "Oh, oh! I hadn't even thought about the revenue generating aspect. I don't think so...I don't want a business plan to interfere with my

By |2003-09-23T18:34:00+00:00September 23rd, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Stress

Candidate Screening

She: "Should I be honest with job candidates and watch them run away, or lie and possibly get someone good?" Me: "There are pluses and minuses to both. Eventually, you realize, you'll have to come clean and level with the job candidate." She: "True, but not right away." Me: "Okay. You could offer them a

By |2003-09-22T19:37:00+00:00September 22nd, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Candidate Screening

Triple Take

I walked up the Michigan Avenue bridge, bouncing and happy because I'd just given a dollar to someone who obviously needed it. I was filled with good karma--it was shining through my eyes, and maybe I was a little bouncy from listening to Fatboy Slim on my MP3 player, too. Anyway, in the middle of

By |2003-09-20T13:01:00+00:00September 20th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Triple Take

Organ Grinder

Me: "So I was shopping for the Montana trip and I found this really cool spray on bandage stuff." She: "It's the next logical step after liquid bandages." Me: "Exactly. You spray it on and it wears off in a couple of days. No fuss, no muss." She: "We've come a long way from staples."

By |2003-09-19T18:38:00+00:00September 19th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Organ Grinder

The Thorny Problem of Digital Detritus

She: "...I even deleted him from my cell phone." Me: "Wow, did you really? What if he calls? How are you going to screen?" She B: "Wait. You're not telling me you still have He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named programmed on *your* cell phone?" Me: "Yeah..." She: "He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named?" She B: "Voldemort. She was dating Harry Potter's arch nemesis." She:

By |2003-09-13T15:14:00+00:00September 13th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on The Thorny Problem of Digital Detritus

Men in Black

She: "Johnny shuffled this mortal coil today." Me: "Which one? Ritter or Cash?" She: "John-ny. Not John." Me: "Or John Paul? According to CNN, he looks like he's on the verge." She: "John, Johnny, Johniest." Me: "It's a bad day for Johns." She: "Yes, it is."

By |2003-09-12T14:29:00+00:00September 12th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Men in Black

Like music to my ears…

She: "I was on hold with the insurance company yesterday and they were playing Christmas music!" Me: "Here comes Santa Claus...he's a long way off, but here he comes." She: "Actually, they were playing the Halleluiah Chorus." Me: "I suppose, technically, that is classical music, but still..." She: "It's seasonal!" Me: "Right. They should be

By |2003-09-04T18:26:00+00:00September 4th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Like music to my ears…

Queer Eye for the Nose Hair

She: "Do you...have a nose hair problem?" Me: "No, I don't think so...but I suddenly feel compelled to check." She: "I know. I hate this show for making me think of nose hair." Me (patting the affected region): "Nothin' bristling out that I can tell." She: "Are you sure? They could be slicked back." Me:

By |2003-09-03T14:21:00+00:00September 3rd, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Queer Eye for the Nose Hair


She: "Eating at your desk, I see. Do you have a minute?" Me: "Sure! I'd love to hear about your weekend. How was the trip?" She: "Well, I had the grossest experience on the way home from the airport. This cabbie was blowing air hankies all the way home and holding his hand out the

By |2003-09-02T19:50:00+00:00September 2nd, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Timing

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