
Monthly Archives: February 2003

Batman’s Crisis Communication Meeting

Batman: "As you know, the Gotham Bank was robbed yesterday at noon. The criminals got away free and clear because I wasn't on the scene. The crime must be solved, gentlemen, but more importantly, we need to know why I wasn't informed. I think there's a communications breakdown." Alfred: "Sir, I can't see the bat

By |2003-02-27T05:07:00+00:00February 27th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Batman’s Crisis Communication Meeting


He: "I need you to write a brief blurb about the project for our web site." Me: "How about, 'An oil-slicked wave of good intentions shattered on the shores of departmental incompetency and overweening egos?'" He: "Not quite what I had in mind." Me: "I'll work on spinning it for you."

By |2003-02-25T19:28:00+00:00February 25th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Bitterness

Bang on the Drums…

Me: "I heard he was arrested once for nude bongo-drumming." She: "Oh really? Where did this take place?" Me: "I'm not sure. I didn't delve into it. The real tragedy, of course, is that he could only beat one drum at a time." She: "I don't know you. Get out! Out of my cube!"

By |2003-02-21T22:30:00+00:00February 21st, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Bang on the Drums…

Short Timer

She: "My head is spinning and I have a headache." Me: "Was it from the drinking last night?" She: "No. People are being excessively nice to me 'cause it's my last day. It's making my head hurt!" Me: "I can be indifferent and abrasive the rest of the day." She: "Would you?" Me: "Yeah, whatever."

By |2003-02-20T16:23:00+00:00February 20th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Short Timer


Me: "I've always liked the word influenza. It has a pretty sound. Almost like a girl's name." She: "What about little edema?" Me: "Awww, you know if I had a girl, I would almost be tempted to name her that...or effluvia. I think effluvia sounds beautiful." She: "It rolls off the tongue." Me: "Ewww. Bad

By |2003-02-19T19:56:00+00:00February 19th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Nombre


Me: "How's it going?" She: "I'm awaiting the pending shit storm." Me: "Is that what's brewing on the horizon? Do you expect to be in the middle?" She: "Yeah. I can smell it coming." Me: "Would those be floaters or sinkers?" She: "Both." Me: "Well, shit."

By |2003-02-19T19:50:00+00:00February 19th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Maelstorm

Girl’s Best Friend

Me: "Who are you over there dissing?" He: "Sarah Brightman. They're playing her." Me: "Why? What do opera singers have against Sarah Brightman?" He: "She sold out." Me: "Hey, a girl's gotta eat..." He: "I suppose, but I'm eating and I haven't sold out!" Me: "...and, if possible, she's gotta eat while wearing diamonds."

By |2003-02-16T16:07:00+00:00February 16th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Girl’s Best Friend

So Sayeth the Queen

The Queen (off camera, drunk): "...penis the size of a horse!..." The Queen (off camera, drunker): "...hung like a horse!...huge tits! huge!..." The Queen (to Me, stroking my arm): "You've got pretty red hair. Pretty, pretty. Oh honey?! Is he with you?" He (to the Queen): "Yes, we're on a date." The Queen (to Me):

By |2003-02-15T15:46:00+00:00February 15th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on So Sayeth the Queen


He: "They say that deafness is the reason most marriages last." Me: "Oh really?" He: "Yes, the fine hairs in your cochlea start falling out the more they're used. So the more your wife nags you, the less you hear." Me: "The irony being that those hairs then take root on the outside of your

By |2003-02-12T03:04:00+00:00February 12th, 2003|Legacy|Comments Off on Longevity

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