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Monthly Archives: March 2002

E, Courtesy of the Letter

E, Courtesy of the Letter Me: "It's really the workhorse of the English language, you know." He: "What about S? Or T? T does a lot." Me: "You always did have a consonant influence."

By |2023-12-01T00:12:15+00:00March 31st, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on E, Courtesy of the Letter

Great Friday

Great Friday She: "So, you got plans?" Me: "Yes, I'm going to take up recreational shopping for its therapeutic value. I think I'll start tomorrow." She: "Going to make that Good Friday, Great, huh?" Me: "Yeah, I'm starting with the shoe store across the street." She: "Just remember, Jesus died for your sins, but those

By |2023-12-01T00:13:17+00:00March 29th, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on Great Friday

The power of human ineptitude

He: "The power of human error is one of the great untapped resources." Me: "Yes, I can envision a day when we will light the eastern seaboard with the power of human ineptitude." He: "It'll be glorious."

By |2023-12-01T00:13:51+00:00March 26th, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on The power of human ineptitude

Weekend Update

Me: "So, how was your weekend?" She: "Pleasantly non-confrontational. Yours?" Me: "Indulgently evil." She: "Bet I had a better time." Me: "I'm sure you did."

By |2023-12-01T00:14:18+00:00March 25th, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on Weekend Update

Little Lady

He: "I notice you're using the word misogynistic a lot lately." Me: "I used it in one sentence last night." He: "I think it's your boss' influence. She's giving you bad ideas." Me: "I work in a male-dominated field. I'm just calling it like it is. What do you know about it anyway? You and

By |2023-12-01T00:14:55+00:00March 24th, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on Little Lady

Plastic Sorrow

She: "I feel sorry for plastic." Me: "Huh? Why?" She: "People don't appreciate plastic. Plastic is wonderful." Me: "Guess I never really thought about it." She: "Starting tomorrow, I think you should take the time to appreciate everything plastic in your life." Me: "That'll be hard. I mean, I have a wooden toothbrush." She: "Really?"

By |2023-12-01T00:15:28+00:00March 24th, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on Plastic Sorrow

Tasty Accents

Vendor (with tasty British accent): "Hello, I'm Rob with *mumble, mumble*. I need to talk to you about document storage." Me (with fakey British accent): "Would that be paper, electronic, or other?" Vendor: "Paper. Would you be the correct person to talk to?" Me: "No, I would not. I'm a web person. Truly." Vendor: "Truly,

By |2023-12-01T00:16:15+00:00March 21st, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on Tasty Accents


Me: "I got you the print-outs you wanted, picked up the dry cleaning and the other whoshewhatsis." He: "Wow. That's pretty rare, getting a whoshewhatsis." Me: "Treasure it. I don't think I can find another one." He: "What about a whatchamacallit?" Me: "Now you're abusing my generosity."

By |2023-12-01T00:16:36+00:00March 21st, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on Whoshewhatsis

A Request

"When the stress, caffienne and endorphins flee my body in protest over the abuse that I've inflicted and I collapse into a puddle in my cubicle, would you pour me into a nice glass and set me on a window sill until I reform?"

By |2023-12-01T00:11:22+00:00March 21st, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on A Request


Me: "I'm going to kill them. Killllll.....!" He: "Not me, I prefer to maim. It lasts longer." Me: "That's what stains are for - to make it last."

By |2023-11-16T17:30:32+00:00March 20th, 2002|Legacy|Comments Off on Snippet

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